Soybean Oil (সয়াবিন তেল) Sojabohnenöl

The Soybean Oil

With a neutral flavor, potential heart-health benefits, and a favorable fatty acid profile, soybean oil is a great choice for a wide array of cooking and baking applications. It is often used in dressings, margarine, shortenings, sauces, baked goods, and more. Commonly labeled as vegetable oil, soybean oil is the most widely used edible oil in Bangladesh.


Soybean Oil Specifications

The material shall be clear and it shall be free from rancidity, sediments, suspended, and other foreign
matter and admixture with other oils and fats:
Item SPECIFICATION Method of Test Refined soybean oil

1 Volatile matter at 105°C%m/m 0.20(Max) AOCS Ca 2C-25:2009
2 Insoluble matter, %m/m 0.05(Max) MS 817:1989
3 Soap content, %m/m 0.005 (Max) MS 817:1989
4 Acid value (as KOH), mg/g 0.60(Max) AOCS Cd 3d-63:2009
5 Unsaponifiable matter, mg/g 15.00(Max) AOCS Ca 6a-40:2009
6 Refractive index at 40°C 1.466-1.470 AOCS Cc 7-25:2009
7 Relative density at 20/20°C 0.919-0.925 By densitometer
8 lodine value 120-143 AOCS Cd 16-87:2009
9 Saponification value (as KOH), mg/g 189-195 AOCS Cd 3-25:2009
10 Iron (as Fe),mg/kg 1.50(max) AOAC 968.08
11 Copper (Cu), ppm 0.10(Max) AOAC 971.20
12 Lead (Pb), ppm 0.10(Max) AOAC 972.25
13 Arsenic (As), ppm 0.10(Max) AOAC 986.15
14 Peroxide value as milliequibalents
peroxide oxygen per Litre
0.10 (Max) AOCS Cd 8-53:2003
15 Admixture with fish or marine animal oil Negative AOAC 945.102 (1995)


Soybean Oil Use for

Soybean oil is mostly used for frying, cooking and baking. It is also used as a condiment for salads.


Nutrient Profile

Soybean oil is comprised of 12-15 percent saturated fat, 22-30 percent monosaturated fat, and 55-58 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids. 2 Soybean oil accounts for over 40% of the US intake of both essential fatty acids3 and is a source of vitamin E.4


Healthy Profile

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recognized soybean oil for its cardiovascular health benefits with a qualified health claim.5 The language allowed in support of the soybean oil health claim is stronger than the language for others that have similar health claims.

The soybean oil health claim states: Supportive but not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1½ tablespoons (20.5 grams) daily of soybean oil, which contains unsaturated fat, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. To achieve this possible benefit, soybean oil is to replace saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day.

Soybean oil may work on multiple fronts to improve health. For example, it is comprised of about 50% omega-6 polyunsaturated fat. When replacing saturated fat in the diet, polyunsaturated fat reduces blood cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Evidence also suggests that polyunsaturated fat improves the body’s ability to use the hormone insulin, which regulates blood glucose levels, and may reduce the risk of developing diabetes.6 Also, unlike other commonly consumed plant oils like corn oil and sesame oil, soybean oil contains appreciable amounts of the essential omega-3 fat. The omega-3 fat in soybean may also help to lower heart disease although more research is needed before firm conclusions can be made.7 Finally, there has been concern that oils with too much omega-6 fat relative to omega-3 fat may be nutritionally undesirable; however, this concern has been rejected by health agencies around the world, including the American Heart Association. Rather than emphasizing the importance of this ratio, the emphasis is on making sure adequate amounts of each type of fat are consumed.8